Friday, October 22, 2010

When it rains, it pours

Well, it's been a long week.  Logan (and myself) are still fighting our colds.  I'm almost over it, but he still has a pretty runny nose and a lovely cough.  Landon had to fly home to Colorado on Monday for a family emergency so It's just been me and Logan.  Everything is fine now (Landon's on his way home), and Logan and I can manage by ourselves but he decided to hit me with a new illness last night.  So for the first time in my mommy experience, Logan REALLY vomited last night.  Not spit up.  I've done spit up and many times.  Even forceful spit up.  This was SOOOOOOOOOOO different.  Trying to give him his enzymes for his night cap meal and he gagged on them... which triggered the entire day's meals (those that hadn't digested) plus about a quart of stomach acid to shoot across my kitchen a good 5 feet.  Then it happened a second time.  By now, we're both covered in puke, the kitchen floor is covered, I'm holding a dripping child, puke is coming out his nose, the dogs are starting to lapp it up and I'm screaming at them to stop, so then the bird starts screaming.  Oh man... where is the hubster when I need him. 
After making a few phone calls, I decided that since this was the first incident and he really wasn't that upset about it after it was all over, that a trip to the ER was not necessary.  I would rather not expose him to further illness and have tons of unnecessary tests performed on him just so they can tell me he has a stomach bug.  And he's still moving stools so It's not a blockage.  Anyway, he slept with me last night and did just fine.  He had a dry diaper this morning and ate fairly well for his morning meal.  Did a lot of burping which was great.  Then, an hour and a half later, I'm changing his diaper and guess what??  Here comes his morning meal.  All over us again.  Poor booger...  Well, needless to say I called his Dr freaking out.  He told me to stay home and put little man on a strict diet of Pedialyte for the rest of the day.   So far he's been keeping it down but he's also been sleeping a lot so I can't really say for sure.  At least I was lucky enough to have the day off today.   Hope it passes quickly.  Puke grosses me out...

My sickie pie taking a nap...

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! There is nothing like being thrown up on. Mommy perks...right?! Stomach bugs are the worst. I hope he gets better fast.
